Discovering YOU Magazine October 2019 Issue | Page 45


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"Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;"(Ephesians 5: 22.25, KJV).

After five years and many more years following, no marriage should be in the same place and there should definitely be a transformation. When the couple hits that first milestone in their marriage, they should be secure about their love and commitment. No more checking his or her cell phone or demanding a time for him or her to be back home. Neither one is threatened by the other's achievements, in fact, they are at a point that they welcome and support one another's accolades. As the marriage continues to transform, they appreciate each other's physical bodies. They encourage each other when needed, but for the most part, they are just grateful that both are in good health and alive. Also, the bedroom is no longer the most important room in the house. They take intimacy outside of the bedroom because their love has matured and flourished. Sex is still important, but it becomes more than having an orgasm in the body, it about having an orgasm in the total being.

Transformation is what every marriage should achieve at some point. There should be an evolving in every area of marriage. When this happens, you will begin to enjoy the splendors that God intended for you to experience all along. When I see two married people who have been in it for a while, I smile and say,

"They've got it." They took out the time to grow and allow their spouses to grow too. They realized that marriage was not just about what they wanted and needed; it was about what was best for their union. They realized that two complete, whole, and healthy individuals became a team and the key element in the mix was transformation.