Discovering YOU Magazine November 2019 Issue | Page 42


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If this task is a challenge for you, then I would encourage you to examine whether or not you and your spouse are walking in the love and adoration that God has ordained for married people to exhibit. If you do not see the attributes in each other, you should be seeking God for a serious reconstruction.

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another, (St. John 13: 34, KJV).

Marriage should not be based on what a person can do for you, but rather on the love and opportunities you can experience and achieve together. If you decide to take the challenge in naming attributes you are truly grateful for about your spouse, be open and honest. If you find that it is a difficult task for you, then ask God to help you to bring the real love into your marriage and take the blinders off of your eyes so that you may see your marriage through God's eyes. He had a perfect plan when He created the institution of marriage. It was His design, not yours. When two people make a decision to marry, remember that it is holy because the Agape, Phileo and Eros loves are present. If these three forms of love do not exist, it may be difficult to be grateful because you may not be experiencing the fullness of one of God's greatest gifts. Give this area of your life to Him and trust Him to bring fulfillment to your marriage. Then you will find no problem writing a list of twenty or more things you are grateful for in your spouse.

"Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; (Ephesians 5:25, KJV)."

"Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord, (Colossians 3:18, KJV)."