Discovering YOU Magazine November 2019 Issue | Page 41


Article by Dr. Tunishai Ford


I would like to ask a question to all of you married people who take the time to read this article every month. How many of you reading this article take the time to tell your spouse how grateful you are to have him or her? How many of you take out the time to show gratitude for the things they do for you? Maybe you think they are supposed to do for you because you have an attitude of entitlement. Maybe you take them for granted. When was the last time you said, "Thank you" to your spouse?

Anyone who reads these articles knows how important marriage is to me and how I value it. In fact, I often wish I had someone that I could show my gratitude too, but what about those of you who are married, especially those

who are keen in the word and know the importance of the institution of marriage and how God values it. Your marriage should be an example to those who are standing and waiting on God to give them a mate (I Corinthians 3:2). Your walk in this holy institution should look appealing to others. Can you honestly say that it is?

I would like to challenge all married couple who are reading this article. Write down all the things you are grateful for concerning your spouse---attributes about their character, skills, attentiveness to you, etc. See if you can list at least twenty things you are grateful for concerning your spouse. If you have been married more than five years, this should be an extremely easy task for you.

"Marriage should not be based on what a person can do for you, but rather on the love and opportunities you

can experience and achieve together.