Discovering YOU Magazine May 2018 Issue | Page 36


can’t be complacent about this! There’s a personal price to be paid in finding and continuing in revival. That passion to please God and thirst for power of God are tangible signs of revival which you can enjoy today!

Pray: “God forgive me and change me because FI want my life to count for you! Let Revival begin in me as you REKINDLE my love for you God above all else in life! FILL me with your precious Holy Spirit and give me a burning desire for your Word so I can know You more! Make me a carrier of your presence and a promoter of HOPE, believing that HOPE changes everything! Help me be bold in prayer, a Godly lifestyle and witness so that when my efforts move Heaven, Heaven will move others. Now (as Rom. 15:13 says) “may the God of Hope FILL ME with all joy and peace in believing, so that I may abound in Hope by the power of the Holy Spirit”. May God’s work in me change what’s around me for His glory in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!”

Enjoy this wonderful song

as you go through

this wonderful message

by Pastor Philip Nissley

"Come and be uplifted, inspired, and transformed by

the POWER of God

at New Hope Assembly of God"

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