(Apostle Connie Foster is a certified Seminar and Workshop Facilitator and she is an anointed and appointed teacher and preacher of the Word of God. She and Bishop Foster's church, Harp of God Ministries, Inc. is located on 21406 Fenkell at the corner of Bentler between Evergreen and Lasher in Detroit, Michigan and their motto is: "Making Souls Whole" and they strongly believe that "Everyone is Somebody." You can send your correspondenses to PO Box 11361, Detroit Michigan 48201.)
destiny is released to bring favor your way and that the inheritance of your Father -God will forever be released like an annuity that will last a lifetime.
Work while it is day because when night comes no man can work (St. John 9: 4). You don't have to gather the edge of your harvest; you can leave that for the gleaners. Build a house that you would not mind leaving to the next generation. This is not a physical building, but it is the wisdom of God. You have been called to the supernatural realm called faith. The unlimited resources are in the mustard seed. Step out; trusting God because no one comes into this world without a gift. Farewell, this is kingdom living; keep in mind that God lives inside of you with your instructions and you must carry out the mission He has assigned you. You are not waiting on God, God is waiting on you. If you have been born again, you have everything you need. And if you have not been born again, I encourage you to do so. God Bless You.
but because I give my very best with the help of the Lord (Colossians 3: 17). I need to make sure that I can touch someone else and hopefully make a difference. Being honest today makes me a better person but testifying of my shortcoming does not release me from the assignment. You may think that because it is taking you longer than that other person that you are not the one for the job, but that is not true. You must press forward, position yourself and trust that no matter what comes your way, you can still do what you were called to do and God will fulfill the desires of your heart (Psalm 37: 4). With a mission there must be a vision. Do you see what your objective is and who will it take to help get the job done? There is power of provision that you have not tapped into because you do not believe that you are being used of God to make a difference. There is urgency for the anointing and the power you possess to be released upon the face of the deep that will bring forth life. No longer do you have to bear the weight of your own provisions, but you must trust God to supply all your needs (Philippians 4: 19). Pray that the revelation knowledge of your God-given
"Do you see what your objective is and who
will it take to help
get the job done?"