Discovering YOU Magazine June 2019 Issue | Page 38


Article by Dr. Tunishai Ford

Freedom in Marriage

Have you ever heard the expression that marriage is the old ball and chain, which denotes when you get married, you have entered into an institution of bondage and servitude? Now for some couples this is true, but certainly was not intended to be like that at all. When you enter into holy matrimony, it is supposed to be with someone you like and love. You chose to get married not forced into getting married. Marriage is a time of discovery and rediscovery. It is two people coming together to build a life that they normally would not be able to build apart from one another. It's watching the foundation lay very securely and then building a maturity piece upon it; it is unique, loving, and wholesome.

Okay you say, all that sounds good, but what does that have to do with freedom. How are you free when you are married? I am glad you asked that question, and now here is the answer. Biblically, marriage was intended all along to be a joining of two unique and whole individuals that possess a soul which was created by God (Genesis 2: 24). When these two unique and whole individuals come together, they are seen in the eyes of God as one. One

united force that can conquer any obstacles that they are confronted with. One united force that can build a dynasty that can last for several generations to come and above all display a love that can surpass and tear down any fault (I Peter 4:8). It is the building block of our family, community and our society. It is the apex of the universe and the heavens. Marriage is the reason that God sent a remnant to correct the falling in the Garden of Eve. He wanted to continue the legacy of mankind and make it fruitful and multiply. It is because of this godly union that God created salvation so that that perfect world that He created can again come to fruition and thrive.

Husbands, love your wives the same as Christ loved the church and gave his life for it, (Ephesians 5:25, ERV).

Now if the things that I just mentioned don't mean freedom, then I do not know what does. You chose your mate. You make the decision who you want to build your legacy with. It is through marriage that one can find fulfillment and often realize and complete their destiny. When God said