Recipes from
• 1/2 cup of brown rice flour
• 1/2 cup of Gluten free millet flour
• 1 cup of tapioca starch
• 1 cup of sorghum flour
• 1 cup of potato starch
• 3 tsp of baking powder
• 2 tsp of xanthan gum
• 1 packet of active dry yeast
• 1 tsp of sea salt
• 3 tbsp of coconut palm sugar
• 1 tsp of coconut palm sugar
• 1 1/4 cups of warm water
• 1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil
• 1/4 cup of beaten egg whites
• 1/4 teaspoon light rice vinegar
• Ragu Home-style Gluten-free pizza sauce
• Mozzarella cheese
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Grease two 12-inch pizza pans or baking sheets. Then dust lightly with gluten-free rice flour. Set aside. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together all the dry ingredients. Proof the yeast in 1 cup of water with a pinch of coconut palm sugar.
Combine the proofed yeast and water to the dry ingredients and then add the oil, eggs and vinegar to the mixture. Beat the mixture until it is smooth and sticky. Add the remaining 1/4 cup of water if you need to. The pizza dough should be creamy smooth and not too thick. It will almost border be like a batter. Using a spatula, divide the dough into two equal halves. Then place each half onto the center of each of the pizza pans. Using your hands, press the dough down lightly and fatten it into a thin, even pizza shell, with slightly raised edges.
Set the pizza shells aside to rise for 15 minutes. Then place the two pizza pans side by side on the center rack of the oven if your oven is too small, bake one at a time. Bake for ten minutes or until golden brown. Remove the pizza(s) from the oven. Then preheat the broiler. Brush the pizza shells with extra virgin olive oil, season with sea salt and fresh garlic, and then sprinkle with Italian herbs. Top your pizzas with pizza sauce and sprinkle mozzarella cheese on top. Drizzle extra virgin olive oil all over the toppings of your pizzas. Put in the broiler briefly to melt the cheese about 4 to 5 minutes. Don’t over cook them. Makes 2 medium cheese pizzas.