Discovering YOU Magazine June 2017 Issue | Page 34


A. Cherish your family greatly. The power of a Father’s love can never be underestimated! When we cease abiding in God’s love, we begin drifting away from an intimate relationship with him and fall into the trap of counterfeit affections. Every child needs a loving atmosphere of confidence, security and destiny breathed into them!

B. Love your family purposefully. What drew the Prodigal home was v. 16 “No one was giving anything to him”. When one is outside the Father’s embrace, he/she is exposed to lack. In contrast,

Psa. 84:11 says “No good thing will God withhold to those who walk uprightly”. I challenge you to exercise faith in the Father’s Embrace by praying over photos of those you claim miracles to COME HOME! In Luke 15, the Father never gave up, v. 20 says, “When he was a great way off, his Father saw him and had compassion, ran and embraced him.”

C. Invest in your family prayerfully. In this Luke 15 story, a dad’s investment in prayer and principle is what gave the prodigal hope to return home! He said in v. 17 “How many of my father’s hired men have more than enough bread, but I am dying here with hunger!” You too can believe others to COME HOME to miracles and family this summer as you 2ndly:


A. Every problem you face is a Wisdom problem. That’s because changes in your

life are always proportionate to

know-ledge. This son’s desire to prove himself and find a place in life, took him from the one place where love, acceptance and approval could be found. Like the prodigal, we get in trouble when we forget the goodness of our Father’s love and embrace. But notice the change when in this son’s sin in v. 17, he remembers! His determination in v. 18 to “get up and go to my father” should give you hope to claim others COMING HOME to miracles and family this summer.

B. Wisdom is the force behind every miracle. One word from Father God and one’s life can be changed and transformed by God’s miracle power! Because of this, our prayer and faith action must be focused on the release of the TRUTH that sets people free! Our prayer and faith action must lead to where those in need discover the miracle power and spiritual life God has to offer. Good fathers and families know how to connect their home to Father God, the force behind every needed miracle so 3rdly:


A. If you will call out to God, God will call miracles home. Father God has placed us an internal photo album of a “better place”. Our memory tells us our true home is in the presence of Father! At some point in life, you come to realize that you are in Father God’s Happy Thoughts! You need to run to God saying:

My Father loves me with an everlasting love (Jer. 31:3)