Discovering YOU Magazine June 2017 Issue | Page 33




Article by Pastor Philip Nissley,

New Hope Assembly of God, Taylor, MI

Pastor Philip Nissley has been the Senior Pastor of New Hope Assembly for 24 years. He has a passion for the Downriver community and Detroit to be changed by the power of God.

We are primarily created by God to receive His love and give it away to others. The Bible tells us that God is love and Luke 15:14-24 shows the Father’s heart and the Father’s embrace with grace! Many have grown up with bad childhood experiences where parents have misrepresented Father God’s love. This has left them struggling with: insecurities, lack of joy, troubled relationships, failed marriages, broken families, lack of life’s purpose and inability to truly love others. Also often the way we view and relate to our earthly father is the way we relate to our Heavenly Father.

But there is hope! John 14:7-8 says, “Everybody who loves is born of God and experiences relationship with God. The person, who is unable to or refuses to love, does not know the first thing about God, because God is love”. We don’t have to try to gain God’s acceptance by our actions, we just need to be born of Him and allow His embrace! We don't

"I challenge you to exercise faith in the Father’s Embrace by praying over photos of those you claim miracles to COME HOME!

have to live in spiritual poverty when we can return home and enjoy His inheritance! We can be made whole in His arms and experience the power and love of a real Father like never before! God wants you to know that He has a purpose and destiny for your life and He wants you to become a vessel to receive His love and give it away to others. To do this…


An awareness of the Father’s Love by surrendering your life to Him…is your best weapon against the Sins and Disappointments of your Past. When you are born again you are called HOME to the Father’s embrace with grace, miracles, and family benefits!