Discovering YOU Magazine Draft October/ November Special 2024 Issue | Page 48


Article by Dr. Tunishai Ford

Experiencing True Freedom

Some time ago, as I was walking my dog, Cody, I happened to look up and I noticed a familiar sight; it was a bird flying. I believe the bird was a sea gull, because of the flying technique that was exhibited as I watched the bird fly. It appeared to soar and glide with such ease as though it did not have a care in the world. Now, of course, this is not the first time I watched a bird fly, but this particular time seemed different for some reason. As I carefully watched this bird fly, it seemed to be majestic to me. It flew like it owned the sky and all the space that it encumbered. I remember thinking that this bird is truly experiencing freedom and it knew it. It was that sight that made me realize how precious it is to experience freedom

and be in your niche and natural habitat. When you look at creation and the freedom the animals experience in their own natural habitat, you can truly be thankful for what we as a nation experience.

What we take for granted as a nation, other countries are not entirely privy too. We have opportunities to pursue our dreams, go to Ivy League universities, and earn unlimited incomes. But of course, all these privileges do come with a price. Unlike that bird that I witnessed enjoying its flight, we are responsible for our freedom. We will only experience the entire splendor of this world when we learn that we are responsible for earth, its components, and what decisions we make

for our own personal existence. That is the