account. Help me budget money so I can start paying off debt. With your help, I claim financial freedom in Jesus Name. Amen!
If this article has been helpful, contact Editor Tunishai Ford or reach me at New Hope Assembly of God, 14000 Racho, Taylor. [email protected] 734-287-4673.
PRAY: “Father God, I repent of all my sins, and invite Jesus Christ to come live in my life as my Lord and Savior! Change my thoughts and habits, to conform to Your Word. I welcome the Holy Spirit into my life and may the Blood of Jesus break off all bondage over my family. I want to live free of my past and live favored by you in all I do. In Jesus Name. Amen”
Now that you have prayed to make Jesus Lord of your life, let Jesus use your Boat! In this story, Peter owned the boat, but God owned the sea. God controls the universe! When you let him use your boat, he’ll cause the fish to find you, he’ll cause contracts, opportunities, houses, jobs, cars, and good breaks to track you down. God is ready to release Boat-sinking blessings, job-finding blessings, home-satisfying blessings to the extent that David said, “My cup runs over”. It's time to pray for God’s Favor.
PRAY: Father God, I acknowledge you as the creator and owner of everything! That you will provide for my needs is good news to me today! I admit I have made financial mistakes. At times, I have lost my focus, and have made bad financial decisions. Please forgive me! From this day on, I want to make you my financial partner! I ask for your wisdom to use the money you give me for Your purposes! Help me manage my income free from frivolous and unwise use of money. I claim a good, steady job and pledge to faithfully tithe from this day on of all my income. God, you know what is best for me! You know where I should live, what I should drive, what I should buy…so I put all my fear and concern in your hands. Deliver me from the things draining my
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