Discovering YOU Magazine Draft October/ November Special 2024 Issue | Page 45

lack mentality but grab hold of God-provided mentality! 2ndly:


DEFEAT INTO MIRACLES(Luke 5:5-caught nothing, but I will do)

A.When you meet what God needs, He will more than supply what you need! The thing that holds people from miracles is believing God is a taker (which is what the devil does) rather than a Provider (which is what God is)! In Luke 5, there is a big crowd and two empty boats. Jesus wanted to use the amplifying effect of the water to reach everyone in the crowd and needed one of the two boats to speak from, a short distance out in the water. Jesus knew they were tired and their nets were empty, but gave Peter an opportunity for a miracle by asking Him to serve God’s purpose, so he could be blessed. The miracle came when Peter let God use his boat. The same way:

B.When you let God have the first tenth of your income or that miracle seed financially you are about to sow…you set yourself up for overflow! There are miracle moments when God speaks to our heart, that we can miss if we delay. We must be quick to honor God and invite Him into our situation. Prov. 3:9 says, “Honor the Lord with your income and the first fruits of all your crops. Then he will fill your barns with abundance and your vats will overflow”. If you’re going to see supernatural provision, you have to be a giver. Honor God with your first fruits, first part of your income. Invite him into your business and further see…

C.When you focus on what makes sense to God, He will provide far more than what makes sense to you! At the end of the message in Luke 5:4, Jesus said to Peter, “Take this boat out to deep water and let down your nets for a catch”. (Don’t be concerned about the way it was last night, I am with you). When Peter focused on what makes sense only to God, verse 6 says “having done this, they enclosed a great quantity of fish and their nets began to break!” Because Peter gave his boat to Jesus, and followed His command, Jesus gave Peter what He needed in fish to the point in verse 7 “he had to signal to the partners in the other boat for them to come …and they filled both boats with fish so heavy that they began to sink!” So see that:

D.When you put your full trust in God, He can and will provide what was not there before! What’s interesting is there were no fish a couple of hours before, and they had fished all night over that Sea of Galilee! But remember, God controls fish and everything else you need! He knows where your needed provision is, and he knows how to get it to you. It may not make sense, may not be logical, but God likes to do things out of the ordinary, so you’ll know it was the hand of God. That’s the blessing you can have when you invite Jesus into your tax problem, your debt problem, your jobless problem, your mortgage problem, your checkbook problem, your life problem!

To get ready for your miracle, you have to give your frustrations, sins, and failures in life to Jesus! All of us need a Savior and Miracle Worker! If you will come to God you have enjoy the peace and provision that only being Born Again in God can give!