Discovering YOU Magazine Draft October 2024 Issue | Page 50

(Apostle Connie Foster is a certified Seminar and Workshop Facilitator and she is an anointed and appointed teacher and preacher of the Word of God. She and Bishop Foster's church, Harp of God Ministries, Inc. is located on 21406 Fenkell at the corner of Bentler between Evergreen and Lasher in Detroit, Michigan and their motto is: "Making Souls Whole" and they strongly believe that "Everyone is Somebody." You can send your correspondenses to PO Box 11361, Detroit Michigan 48201.)


all our sins, and all we need to do is live with Him and live a life that's full of desire (passion) to experience more than mediocrity.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (St. John 3: 16, KJV).

Despite our failures or disappointments, the hour has come, and the time is now. Tell defeat bye-bye and tell your new self, HELLO! Many things will change for you for the better in a few days, and you will be very proud of yourself. You've been waiting on someone to tell you to get up. So I'm telling you -- GET UP! Please and let's do this. In my conclusion, I am in no way impressed by failure even though there are times that it does happen, but I know as people of God that we are qualified to succeed and run this race with patience and strength (Hebrews 12: 1). There is nothing too hard for God. Mere existence is not included in the manual of Christian living. So bucket up, and let's get busy. There is more to do, more to see, and more to possess.

It takes hard work, determination, and a love for what you do. Train yourself for success, and don't stop until it's done to

the best of your ability. Get a mentor, someone that has done and can do it better. I cannot express how important reading is. Please read to know. So often, we try to do a thing without reading the how. Read success stories, and they always keep the fervent alive to passion. Prayer is essential. Set a time for daily devotion and ask God to guide your steps.

Step out on faith, you've probably tried before, but you can't give up; something inside won't let you quit. It's called PASSION.