Discovering YOU Magazine Draft October 2024 Issue | Page 46

he was a very young man until the age of ninety-one, he was honored by great men and women who came to respect him. Like Noah Dearborn, God wants this life for all of us. He wants us all to be driven with conviction and strive for something greater than ourselves. Noah did not allow anything to interfere with his passion for creating things, and nor should we. There will be obstacles and challenges in our lives, but when you are focused and driven to succeed, nothing can stop you. Think about it. Where do you think passions come from? It comes from knowing without a shadow of a doubt that there is a purpose for your life, and when you can dream it and visualize it, you can walk in it.

"Where there is no vision, the people perish:" (Proverbs 29:18a, KJV)

Although passions are real and are attainable, it is not something that many possess. Unfortunately, we live in a world where many people are so dissatisfied; they have no real ambition to do anything outside of making a living for themselves. Then some people have given up and do not even want to work. It is so easy to become complacent and non-responsive to living our lives outside of survival mode, but you can possess passion too if you allow yourself to dream (Matthew 25: 15 - 28). Remember, everyone has a purpose, but they will not fulfill it unless they have an irresistible drive to accomplish it. No matter what the obstacles or challenges, God wants all of us to be driven. There is a great deal of work to be done on this earth, and many need your help. You must purpose in your heart that you will be a world changer and allow God to use you


(Psalms 37:23). When it is your time to bat, hit a home run; in fact, knock it out of the ballpark. Do it big and allow that passion to make you great. The God in you is great, and He has ordained you to fulfill greatness. Let that passion overtake you and begin your journey of fulfillment.

"The God in you is great, and He has ordained you to fulfill greatness."