Discovering YOU Magazine Draft October 2024 Issue | Page 45


We All Are Born With A


Several days ago, I had the opportunity to watch a movie on the Hallmark channel; the movie was entitled "The Simple Life of Noah Dearborn," starring Sidney Poitier. He played the part of a ninety-one-year-old man who was deemed extraordinary because he did not seem to age and had the stamina and youth of a much younger man. There was nothing extraordinary about his lifestyle, though. In fact, he didn't even use electricity. The thing that made me drop my jaw in awe was that the secret to his success and longevity was something that I always stated to my good friends----he enjoyed with passion what he did. Noah Dearborn was a man who had a passion for creating things with his hands. He was focused, and he

Article by Dr. Tunishai Ford

thoroughly enjoyed what he did. So much so that those who could not afford to pay him could still get his help with just a delicious hot apple pie.

When we can spend each day living the life that we know we were ordained to live, we are gifted with prosperity, good health, longevity, and honor. Mr. Noah Dearborn, although his life was very simplistic, wanted for nothing. He was in great shape for his age and in good health. Most of all, he was greatly honored in his hometown. From the time

"From the time he was a very young man until the age of ninety-one, he was honored by great men and women who came to respect him."