Discovering YOU Magazine December 2019 Issue | Page 17


It’s time again. Yes, we are fast approaching the end of another year. It has been a very interesting year for me personally. We successfully completed another summer for the STEP UP Program; it was our second summer. We had a blast at the WOW Event this past October; it was our best one yet. This is the opinion of many who attended it for the last few years.

In this month’s issue, we will be featuring many great articles that will influence you to work on the areas that we may be slack in. Also, we have some great holiday recipes for you to try. More importantly, we will be featuring a wonder gentleman, Gino Byrd -AKA MC Gino. This gentleman has had many challenges dealing with a birth defect, the death of his father and abandonment, but it didn’t stop him from pursuing his craft as a radio and TV broadcaster. He is quite good at it too. I believe that this article will greatly inspire and encourage you to go after your dreams despite the obstacles you may face. You will find yourself reflecting on your own life and the aspiration that you have deep down in your soul.

This issue is going to highlight some of the exciting events we experienced this past year and it will also be showcasing many inspiring articles from 2019.

In addition to our featured showcase, we have other articles that will enlighten you, lift your spirits and cause you to sit up and take notice. I keep reiterating that this magazine is a “One stop shop”. Everything that pertains to life and that will help you transform yours is in our publication. Don’t forget, you can also be featured in the magazine; it can happen. We are excited about our last issue for the year and we want you to be excited too. Tell a friend about our publication because somewhere in it they will find themselves too. As I always advise, find yourself a comfortable chair, prepare your favorite hot beverage, and take a journey with our writers as you Discover......Your Own Uniqueness!