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"I Miss the Hugs, But Not the Hurts" by Dr. Tunishai Ford
to go through seasons of growth in love, commitment and knowledge of one another. It is His perfect will that marriage will glorify Him, be fulfilling to the couple and leave a positive legacy for that family unit. Whichever season you are in, enjoy the ride. Allow God to guide you through each season so that you will enjoy His best life for you (Ephesians 5: 21 - 33).
" What I have just described is a glimpse of the idea life, and I know that every married couple does not get an opportunity to experience this, but I believe that this is
God's will for all married couples along with so much more. "
What I have just described is a glimpse of the idea life, and I know that every married couple does not get an opportunity to experience this, but I believe that this is God's will for all married couples along with so much more. God wants marriage to be fulfilling and when two people make a commitment to marry, He ensures that fulfillment will be an element that they will experience. God allows a marriage
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