Discovering YOU Magazine December 2017 Issue | Page 27


(Apostle Connie Foster is a certified Seminar and Workshop Facilitator and she is an anointed and appointed teacher and preacher of the Word of God. She and Bishop Foster's church, Harp of God Ministries, Inc. is located on 21406 Fenkell at the corner of Bentler between Evergreen and Lasher in Detroit, Michigan and their motto is: "Making Souls Whole" and they strongly believe that "Everyone is Somebody." You can send your correspondenses to PO Box 11361, Detroit Michigan 48201.)

God has been dealing with me strongly about colors and how important they are. Colors actually determine moods. Visual aid gives perceptions and perceptions identify our actions or responses. So, color change dictates our attitudes and even contributes to our personalities. Color literally has a voice and it speaks for you without you ever opening your mouth. You want your season to change, change your colors.

Regardless of what's going on in my life, I will find a reason and a cause to celebrate. I am not talking about through drugs, alcohol or worldly parties. I celebrate with the appreciation of life in itself. Hang around positive people with good attitudes that are able to encourage you even when you're going through. Listen to the Holy Spirit, He will tell you exactly what to do (St. John 14: 26). I trust Jesus and I talk to Him daily. Make Him your best friend, and He will deliver you from your fears. Get up and go to church and dance, clap your hands, beat a tambourine and rejoice. Even if it seems that things are not getting better and you don't have a reason to celebrate, celebrate anyhow. What do you have to lose? It will only bring pleasure to your soul and your chains will be broken and your yokes will be destroyed (Isaiah 10: 27). God has more for you than what you've realized. Every season is a reason to celebrate whether others around believe it or not. God is in control. So, get up, its Christmas time and it's time to celebrate the birth

of our Savior. December the 25th is not when Jesus was born, but it is the day that we celebrate it. There are many, many things that we can rejoice in, be a blessing to someone and become their miracle. If you are successful and feel like you have arrived, then share the wealth and begin a new life for someone else. God bless you in every way that you need and CELEBRATE. God is in control. Judge where you are in the spiritual realm, check the rate of your growth, don't lose your vision and don't limit God.

Until the next time,

Apostle Connie

" Color literally has a voice and it speaks

for you ...."