God Is In Control
Article by Apostle Connie Foster
Harp of God Ministries in Detroit, Michigan
Merry Christmas and Season Greetings to you all. I would be remised not to speak greetings in this form. We all know that Christmas is on the 25thof December whether you celebrate it or not. It is still one of the most celebrated holidays. This brings me to my conversation with you as the reader. People don't always celebrate your joys, victories or beliefs. Does that mean that it's not important because you are not happy when I am or I'm not happy because you are?
The joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10) and you have a lifetime of celebrations and seasons. If you notice for every season, winter, spring , summer or fall there are different types of activities or events even if you were blind, you would know what season it is. . If you never went out of the house, you would know what season it was just because the temperature in your home would change. These identities are on
the natural side and very easy to detect depending on your climate location. Usually seasons and celebrations have a way of attracting others to join in.
Why can't we as people of God plan our celebrations according to the seasons of our lives? I'm sure that drew questions because you said, "If I'm in my distressed season, how could I celebrate it." I'm glad you asked because all things work together for the good to them who love the Lord and are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8: 28). When you are in business to live and bring increase to your life, you will decorate your windows and put certain items on clearance. Your store is crowded with items that you cannot use. You must cast your cares upon the Lord because He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7). Look at it and say, "This has to go!"
God has another victory in front of you, but you must open your eyes to open your mind and know that God is in control. The Bible says rejoice with those that rejoice and mourn with those that mourn (Romans 12: 15). Mourning is an act of celebrating the life that we shared with our loved ones or for something sentimental that we've lost. Mourning and grief are God given emotions, and a healer of our souls. After that season is over, we are released from the burden of lost. Why? Because God is in control.
"If I'm in my distressed season, how could I celebrate it."