Discovering YOU Magazine April 2018 Issue | Page 36


condemnation (Rom. 8:1) but promotion! Tell the devil he can’t use you anymore because you are giving yourself completely to God and His bigger purposes for your life! Believe that God is able to CHANGE what is standing in your way! Believe what Heb. 11:6 says, "He who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him". Lift your hands to God, open your mouth and pray this out of your mouth!

God, I fully surrender my life to you! I humble myself under your Divine hand and receive Jesus as my Savior, my Lord and the conqueror of my circumstances! I trust Your Word, that you will change my current circumstances and birth new things in my life so that all things will work together for your good! I claim the transformation you are bringing to my life so I may see and enjoy a fresh perspective and new mercies each day. Help me connect to your Holy Word and to worship with a group of believers that can help me grow in these values and attitudes I have received from you. I believe the best is yet to come and open my life to experience the birthing of new things. In Jesus’ Name. Amen!”

".... "He who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him".

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the POWER of God

at New Hope Assembly of God"

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