up because the birthing period may seem like forever. But if you will hold on to the joy of what’s coming, God will prosper you!
BEING SPOKEN OVER YOUR LIFE. The reason you must silence negative things is so you can experience positive things! Hasn’t God said in Isa. 66:9 “‘Shall I bring to the point of birth and not give delivery?’ (says the Lord). ‘Shall I who gives delivery, shut the womb?’ says your God.” God wants us to silence negative voices because He is a positive, faith-building, fulfilling God. Get around positive, pregnant people and pursue the One who does miracles and says, “nothing is ever impossible with Him”. Get rid of that old, tired, depressed attitude limiting you and instead project the attitude of NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE with the greater One (Jesus) in you! I John 4:4, 5:4-5.
FOR THE THINGS THAT ARE COMING. Isa. 43:19 closes by saying, “NOW IT WILL SPRING FORTH; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." God wants to take you to the next level. Don’t stay bound! God wants YOU to give Him all your life! Surrender today your past, your failures, your sins, your attitude, your challenges, your gifts, your opportunities! How many of you are tired of the way OLD THINGS have gone and are serious about God birthing New Stuff in and thru you? If you are serious about getting delivered from failure, sin, Satan’s hindrance in your life, a bad attitude, negativity, and impossible thinking…Get ahold of God TODAY! Don’t delay! God is here to do a great work in us if we will give Him all our life to birth new stuff! God is not into
Pastor Philip Nissley has been the Senior Pastor of New Hope Assembly for 24+ years. He has a passion for the Downriver community and Detroit to be changed by the power of God.
"How many of you
are tired of the way
have gone and are serious about God birthing New Stuff
in and thru you? ....
Get ahold of God TODAY!"