Discover Transylvanias Cities Top 5 most beautiful cities in Romania | Page 7
Top 5 most beautiful cities in Romania -
Discover Transylvania
1. Timisoara
Timisoara is the seat of the County with the same name, situated in western
part of Romania, in Banat region.
Here tourists can visit places like parks: Roses Park,built by the rich woman
who brought here different types of roses, Botanical Park, Civic Park; religious
monuments: Metropolitan Cathedral, Romano-Catholic Church, Serbian
Cathedral, Serbian Orthodox Episcopal Palace, Romano-Catolic dome;
palaces: Bruck Palace, Dicasterial Palace, Weiss Palace, Baroque Palace,
Dauerbach Palace, Water Palace, Loffler Palace; museums: Banat Museum,
Banatean Village Museum; squares: Traian Square, Liberty Square; Maria
Theresa Bastion, the Metallic Bridge, considered the most beautiful bridge
above the Bega River, also called “ the Eiffel Bridge”, and many others.
Top 5 most beautiful cities in Romania - Discover Transylvania