particles acts as an anchor and keeps the
while before sinking, then it is of superior
aggregate particles in together with the
quality. Sometimes, the cement may sink real
concrete mix.
fast. This happens due to the presence of
So what are grades in cement?
Ordinary Portland Cement is graded according
to strength, the cements too have to gain a
particular strength. 33, 43 and 53 grade in OPC
indicates the compressive strength of cement
after 28 days when tested as per IS: 40311988, eg, 33 Grade means that 28 days of
compressive strength is not less than 33
N/mm2 (MPa) . Similarly for 43 grade and 53
grade the 28 days compressive strength
should not be less than 43 and 53 MPa
respectively. 43 and 53 grade are also being
introduced in PPC and PSC shortly by the
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
How to check the quality of cement
Before you send a sample of cement and
concrete to the labs, you can check the quality
of cement out of the bag only. Make sure that
Cement being used should be within 6 weeks
from the manufactured date. After purchasing
the cement, make sure that the cement bags
presence of moisture and air circulation.
Which cement should we use?
Frankly speaking, b