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Technical continues for a longer period, even after final Following diagram depicts the process of setting time: hydration and formation of cement gel which 1. As the molecules of the component do not bind the aggregate particles together. exist in molecular form, they are connected with other molecules of same component with Vander Waal forces to form a cement particle, which is visible to our eyes. When this particle comes in contact with water, the outer molecule first reacts and then after sometime it provides the space for water to percolate and react with the interior molecules of the component. So, due to this process, the reaction of hydration continues for a longer period on contrary to the theory. 2. These reactions components of of molecules cement with of water produce a lot of heat called heat of hydration, this heat or energy is absorbed by the unreacted water and it evaporates out. Due to this evaporation of water molecules, a shortage of water is created and due to this the amorphous/unhydrated molecules are unable to react instantly. Because of this, the reaction period is prolonged and henceforth, to complete these reactions curing is done after the setting of the cement. Formation of Cement-Gel In the above diagram, (a) shows the condition of amorphous cement particles in a cementaggregate mix in unhydrated form. When water is added, then the water molecules fills the voids between the cement particles and after laps of initial setting time the molecules of the cement particles start reacting with water molecules to form hydrated-cement molecules as shown in (b). When the hydration reaction is complete an almost uniform porous cement-gel is formed as shown in (c), which sets to form a solid shape. Role of the Cement in Concrete The components of the cement being amorphous and dry in nature are sticky and so the particles of cements stick to anything which has moisture in it. Due to this property of anhydrous cement to stick, when aggregates are mixed with cement the colour of the mixture changes and the colour of aggregates are dispersed and a uniform colour of cement persists after mixing. When water is added to the mixture of cement and aggregate, then the molecules of cement particles reacts with water to form the hydrated molecules of cement-gel which enters in the pores of the aggregates and sets inside it. These hydrated molecules are cohesive in nature and so remains connected to other hydrated molecules at the same time as shown in above figure. These hydrated molecules of cement in total are termed as cement-gel. The molecules of cement-gel which sets inside the pores of aggregate