Discover Anderson Spring 2024 | Page 12

DISCOVER | Live Theatre
by James Lapine incorporates a variety of wellknown characters from the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm . The audience will delight in the plot twists and turns as the baker and his wife , wanting a child badly , deal with a curse the ugly and aging witch next door has placed . They must go “ into the woods ” where they will encounter Jack and the Beanstalk , Little Red Riding Hood , Rapunzel , Cinderella , and a host of others in an effort to break the curse , hopefully resulting in all living “ happily ever after …” Or will they ? You must come to the show and see an outstanding cast bring this wonderful show to life . Into the Woods will be performed February 16 , 17 , 23 and 24 at 7:30 p . m . and February 18 and 24 at 2:30 p . m . at Anderson University ’ s Byrum Hall .
Directed and choreographed by Jason James ,
Anderson University ’ s new Director of Musical Theatre and Theatre , he will be joined by Diana Huntoon as musical director , Christopher Scott Murillo as guest set designer , and a great creative team that are integral to bringing a show to fruition . A special guest will be conducting the musical ; Los Angeles pianist , arranger , musical director , and conductor , Michael Sobie will be in residence through the run of the show . Known for , among many other arrangements and performances , as the conductor for The Game of Thrones Live Concert Experience , Sobie will also be featured with the Anderson University Jazz Ensemble for a special event , Michael Sobie in Concert : The Music of Elton John to be presented at York Performance Hall on February 22 , at 7:30 p . m . Tickets are available for all events at the Reardon Auditorium
12 | Spring 2024