3 Legged Thing is a British Tripod Company based in Stagsden, Bedfordshire.
They specialise in compact, stable tripod
systems for photographers of all varieties and abilities. They are a small company of just four staff who work hard to
transform a simple system in one of the
photography world’s most competitive
industries. They are all photographers,
and they have all applied their own key
skills and knowledge to the design and
operation of their premium quality professional tripod systems.
to connect with a larger market and the
market in which the other leading brands
The company’s competitors include Manfrotto, Benbo, Giottos and the Gorillapod
by Joby. Manfrotto have been trading
since the late 1960s but have yet to create
a tripod system which can match that
of 3 Legged Things ‘Brian’ system. Sean,
Technical Director of 3 Legged Thing, had
a brief spell in audio R&D where he met
and worked with many major rock guitarists, including a couple that have since
3 Legged Thing is funded by its investors found their names appearing on 3LT triand makes it money by taking the leading pods, hence the name ‘Brian’.
tripod system and giving it a run for its
money. Investors in the company include Brian is the world’s most versatile travel
Gary Garber who is an investor in young, tripod system. Built to withstand loads
innovative companies, and a passionate up 8KG, Brian is powerful beyond his size.
photographer. Gary got involved with 3 With the lowest shooting capability of
Legged Thing when he discovered they any travel tripod in the world, Brian exwere looking for external investment to tends from just 125mm all the way to
push the brand further. Along with Gary, 2.04m. Brian’s patented multi-functional
Danny the Chief Executive Officer invited use makes him the most capable and
all of his staff from Elemental to invest user-friendly travel tripod ever created.
their own money into the business, and With 3 Legged Things new Stealth Carbecome Directors of the fastest growing bon Fiber ™, Brian is as tough as he is
tripod brand in the world.
stylish, as functional as he is capable.
Combined with the new AirHed 1, which
Elemental and 3 Legged Thing form The has had a complete redesign, Brian is
Elemental Group. Elemental is a multiple a multifunctional system suitable for a
award winning company dedicated solely wide range of photographers. The head
to photographic lighting. 3 Legged Thing is now smaller, lighter, fantastically deare the main distributors of their tripod tailed and takes a load capacity of 35KG.
systems but they also retail with companies such as Wex Photographic, Jessops, The company relies on the support of
Calumet and Outdoors Photography.
their customers and professional photographer ambassadors to maintain the
3 Legged Thing attend many trade shows high reputation. 3 Legged Things Profesthroughout the year, including The Pho- sional Photographers include Tom Barnes,
tography Show in the United Kingdom the well-known music, wedding and porand Photokina in Cologne, Germany. At trait photographer, Dave Kai-Piper , who
the shows, the company is able to dem- has worked with the University of Wolonstrate and sell their unique take on verhampton and Future Publishing, and
the classic accessory. This allows them Paul Harries who is Britain’s