Diplomatist Special Report - Tanzania Tanzania 2018 | Page 50

10km from the Zanzibar’s main airport, Abeid Amani Karume International Airport, on the south-west of Unguja island (Zanzibar). The declared zone covers an areas of 3,000 ha of land, divided into residential and industrial areas. Fumba zone is an ideal place for customer-tailored construction of industrial sheds or warehouses as well as light engineering projects based on maximum use of local raw materials. The Fumba masterplan is in place and due to the size of the area, it is expected to be developed in phases. • Maisara sports complex • Construction of markets, Unguja and Pemba • Development of Zanzibar Liquid terminal (ZLT) for the importation of liquid fuel Free Economic Zones Free economic zones in Zanzibar have been purposely established to attract FDI, specifically labour intensive projects, and increase exports. Companies that set up business in these designated areas enjoy simplifi ed customs and other administrative procedures. Zanzibar, currently, has fi ve free economic zones. Airport Zone The Airport Zone is the latest declared zone and is intended to cater for air cargo. It is part of the cargo village in the Abeid Amani Karume International Airport Masterplan. Investments are encouraged for development of the site as well as management of its future operation. Micheweni Zone Covering an area of 808.8ha, Micheweni Free Economic Zone is situated in the north-eastern tip of Pemba; 75km from Mkoani seaport and 45km from Chake Airport. The zone offers uninhabited and ready land to host investments of different forms. Micheweni borders the sea and is very suitable for fi shing, fi sh processing, and related products. The Zone is divided into an industrial area (547.4 Ha) and residential area (261.4 Ha). Free Zones Opportunities Amani Industrial Park The zone was declared an export processing zone in 1993. It is located just 3km from Malindi seaport and 2km from AAKIA. Amaan Industrial Park is fairly developed and operational, covering an area of 12.5 hectares. Existing infrastructures include: Industrial sheds/ warehouses, all necessary utilities like electricity, water, and telecommunication and on-site customs inspection Zones Development • Establishment of Industrial sheds and other types of storage facilities such as chillers and warehouses. • Infrastructure development o Roads network within the zone o Sewage and drainage system o Power generation and distribution network o Cleaned water o ICT facilities Maruhubi Zone