Diplomatist Special Report - Tanzania Tanzania 2018 | Page 49
Investment Opportunities
The climate of Zanzibar allows different types of crops,
vegetables, and fruits to be grown and processed. There is,
therefore, great potential for agro-related industries which
private investors can engage in. In Zanzibar, you only enjoy
fresh fruits, fresh vegetables and freshly brewed fruit juice of
your choice – a healthy way of life. Investment opportunities
are in crop production, animal production and spices.
Zanzibar lies at the crossroads of rare marine resources
and biodiversity with unlimited potential for development
of the fi shing industry. Demand for fi sh is increasing as
tourist hotels and restaurants seek high-value species such
as swordfi sh, squid, octopus, crab, marlin, snappers, prawns,
tuna, and kingfi sh.
Zanzibar is committed to developing a modern
manufacturing industry with backward and forward linkages.
Due to their immediate social-economic linkages and
development impact, the following opportunities are among
the preference.
• Food Agro-processing Industries for Milling, Processing,
Packaging, and Canning
• Textile, Apparel and Beauty Products Industries
• Building and Construction material industries
• Pharmaceutical and Medical Equipment Supply Industries
• Consumer Durable Goods Assembling
• Capital Good - Component Assembly
• Financial services
• Transportation and Storage facilities
• Construction
• Social services
• Information and communication services
Infrastructure includes roads network, electricity
generation and networks, seaports and airports and other
utility structures. Although infrastructure development was
the traditional role of the public sector, the Government has
moved to clear the way for private sector participation in
infrastructure development. Opportunities are:
• Establishment of landing sites facilities
• Rehabilitation and extension of Pemba Airport
• Renewable energy and energy efficiency projects,
particularly solar and wind
• Upgrading of electricity transmissions line to 33kv for
Pemba and 132 for Unguja
• ICT based infrastructure
• Construction of dry dock facilities
• Kijangwani bus terminal