Furniture and Wood Products
Big established manufacturing companies working
with wood and lumber products usually get raw materials
from Nigeria. The processes include several steps and the
manipulations can be used for producing numerous goods
such as offi ce and home furniture, pallets, wooden toys,
cardboard, packaging, fi rewood etc.
Metal Manufacturing
The metal manufacturing industries in Nigeria spreads
over both primary and fabricated metal production. The
process includes various stages such as metal cutting, bending,
assembling and so on. It is closely related to the sphere of
engineering because many metal products are assembled
and built using designer scratches. Metal manufacturing
companies produce useful equipment for building houses,
metallic frames, railings, stairs etc.
Computers and Electronic Products
Just like any modern country, Nigeria has a thriving
electronic industry that produces computers, software and
hardware for personal needs and factories. Modern computers
can control the production process (at all stages) and simplify
the work in factories and plants. There are diff erent Nigerian
fi rms that produce computer hardware and accessories, as
well as various other electronic products.
Coal Products and Petroleum
Nigeria produces its own asphalt coating. This is possible
because of its petroleum and coal manufacture companies
which can refi ne the original material into a range of useful
products and by-products, the most thriving of which is
machine lubrication oil production, on the side lines of crude
oil processing.
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Non-mineral Manufacturing
Plastics can substitute rubber, a reason why the
manufacturing of the two products is combined. Still, many
companies work with either plastic or rubber: shoes, fi ttings,
industrial belts, thermoset plastic products etc. Nigeria mines
yield a variety of non-metallic minerals; the raw materials
range from clay and sand to stones and gravel. Manufacturing
companies use these minerals to cut, grind and shape them
into new products such as glass and glassware, bricks etc.