Diplomatist Special Report Nigeria | Page 33

Many companies in Nigeria are involved in food and drinks production. The paper industry engages a large number of manufacturing companies in Nigeria involved in making paper, paper products, and pulp. I n many countries, manufacturing plays an important role in economic development and accounts for a substantial proportion of total economic activity. Industrialisation act as a catalyst that accelerates the pace of structural transformation and diversifi cation of the economy, enable a country to fully utilise its factor endowment and to depend less on foreign supply of fi nished goods or raw materials. What types of manufacturing industries are thriving in Nigeria? What are products made in Nigeria? Let us take a look at the Nigerian manufacturing sector. The Nigerian manufacturing sector has many diff erent industries. Here is a list of the most important industries that contribute to the country’s growth and development. Food Industry Many companies in Nigeria are involved in food and drinks production, be it salt, sugar, flour, malta drink, energetic drinks, coff ee, bottled water etc.. The Paper industry engages a large number of manufacturing companies in Nigeria involved in making paper, paper products, and pulp. The country has abundant raw materials to provide for paper processing. Textile and Apparel Production Industry These are actually three diff erent types of the manufacturing industries. We combined them into as they are related to similar processes of making fabric — turning fi bre to fi nished clothing. The process involves making diff erent textile products that can be sold both to customers and other manufacturers. Most manufacturing companies are automated. Some companies use diff erent fi bres (synthetic, natural) to make yarns and threads, while others produce ropes, twine, and fabric with resistance properties (water resistance, stain resistance etc.). These are further used to make garments and diff erent household products (rugs, curtains, sheets etc.). Chemical Manufacturing Chemical plants are involved in manufacturing of biological and chemical materials. The industry also produces medical pills, mixtures, and syrups as well as food, cosmetic, paint, polyurethane, and other chemicals. Leather and Footwear Production The leather processing is complex task. It includes preparation stage, leather tanning, and then crusting. Some companies also make sure to coat the leather surface before off ering their products to other fi rms and customers. Of course, the kind of leather infl uences the number of steps in the manufacturing process. Besides, the goods are further cut, assembled, sewn, skived etc. to produce leather shoes, apparel, upholstery, household decoratives, wallets, bags and so on. Nigeria-India• 2018 • 33