Diplomatist Special Report Argentina | Page 27

27 Jnana Yoga, and Raja Yoga written by Swami Vivekananda are available in bookshops. 4. In the early 20s groups gathering around the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna form the fi rst Vedanta Society of South America in Buenos Aires. 5. In May 1932 first Ramakrishna Ashram in South America will be founded by Swami Vijoyananda, till his death in 1973, is a restless monk who lectures all over South American countries, appearing on the radio every week and in the main cultural centres. Adelina del Carril will be the fi rst president of the Ashram. She was married to Ricardo Guiraldes, one of the greatest writers of the beginning of the century. She adopted an Indian child, and brought him Lunch in honour of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi during her visit to Argentina, to live in Argentina, Mr. Ramachandra Gowda, who would 30 September 1968, in Villa Ocampo then devote his whole life to promote his adoptive fathers work and let Argentine people know better his Motherland. Mahatma Gandhi, translated into politics by Jawaharlal Nehru Tagore´s infl uence on Victoria Ocampo will help India and into the spiritual and personal practice by Vinoba Bhave to get a higher place in the landscape of Argentine culture. in India and Lanza del Vasto in the West. What used to be just of minor signifi cance in certain writers, Ten years later, in 1935, Jeddu Krishnamurti will stay at mostly linked to occultism, led to a strong infl uence of the Victoria Ocampo’s house in his two-month visit to Argentina. deep Indian philosophy along the following decades and, The 40s will see this new generation looking at India as a also, to an endless interest in India, its culture, dance, music, source of wisdom and human inspiration. Moreover, Indian yoga, and meditation practice. masters began to travel to South America, mainly Argentina Inspired by Tagore´s Vishva Quarterly, Sur and Uruguay, in order to teach yoga for the fi rst In 1968 Indira (south, in Spanish) magazine is founded by time ever. Victoria Ocampo in 1931: a complete cultural How important Argentina had become to Gandhi´s visit to project that promoted sincere dialogue among India is shown in the description of the following Argentina illustrates event: when in May 1953 Victoria Ocampo cultures: Latin and North America; America and Europe; the West and the East, and the is imprisoned by the Peronist government, how the India- South and the South. one among all the voices that are heard in the Argentina relationship world crying out loud for her release is that of Among the people gathered around Victoria Ocampo at Sur magazine, there is one that Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of had been growing stands out: the great Gandhian writer, Adolfo India. His intervention was decisive in twisting over the last decades. the decision of General Perón at a particularly de Obieta, who, in 1996, received the Jamnalal Bajaj Award for the way he promoted Gandhian Among all her activity belligerent time of his government. values in Spanish speaking countries Politics will also reflect this budding there, she presented relationship: In this sense, Victoria Ocampo and Tagore’s In 1949, India’s political presence infl uence anticipated the reality to come in the in Argentina turned from a simple offi ce to an Victoria Ocampo 21st century. embassy. A year later, the Argentine consulate with the honorary Both Tagore’s and Gandhi’s ideas, even in Kolkatta since the 20s, moved to Delhi to doctorate from Viswa become the Argentine embassy. acknowledging their diff erent way of facing the challenges of life, show the West the complete In 1961 Argentine President Frondizi was Bharati University. spectrum of what India is really like: not just the fi rst Latin American president to be invited mystics unaware of what happens around them to India. Reaffi rmed the commitment of both but wise people working hard to make their dreams come nations to peace, he was received at the Red Fort by Prime true while being endlessly patient; a global vision of life as Minister Nehru, and, also, at the Parliament. a whole and an interdependent reality in which philosophy, In 1968 Indira Gandhi´s visit to Argentina illustrates how science, and politics work all together towards a common the India-Argentina relationship had been growing over the goal: the welfare of humankind. The real face of India starts last decades. Among all her activity there, she presented to be shown at that time. Victoria Ocampo with the honorary doctorate from Viswa In Sur magazine, there was a special place for the new Bharati University. A photograph of Indira Gandhi with ideals of the non-violent movement which was led by Victoria Ocampo is still one of the main icons in one of the