he exhibition is a collection of
44 pictures that portrays the sites
and practices of Mexico listed
as World Heritage by UNESCO. The
photographs by Adalberto Ríos Szalay,
off er a glimpse into the rich architecture,
art, people and culture of the country, as
well as a series of natural and cultural
spaces. It also depicts the Mexican
gastronomy and mariachi music, which
are listed as an Intangible Cultural
Heritage. India is ranked at UNESCO as
the 6th country with more registered sites
while Mexico is ranked in the 7th place.
Hence, there is a great potential in the
fi eld of knowledge exchange regarding
restoration, conservation, and promotion
of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
The exhibition was inaugurated by
Santiago Ruy Sánchez, Head of Cultural
Aff airs/ Tourism Attaché of the Embassy
of Mexico in the presence of Sumit
Mazumder, Honorary Consul of Mexico
in Kolkata, Nandita Palchoudhuri,
Member, Board of Trustee, Academy of
Fine Arts Kolkata and other distinguished
Indo Hispanic Language Academy
extended its cooperation to the Embassy
of Mexico and Sánchez had a two-hour
interactive session with the students of
IHLA briefi ng them about the cultural
heritage of Mexico.
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Diplomatist • Vol 7 • Issue 4 • April-May 2019, Noida • 77