Dinosauria 1 | Page 16

yrannosaurus rex is probably the

most famous dinosaur of all time. Aside from being the third largest

carnivorous dinosaur, T-Rex has always been the main recepient of media


overwhelming media exposure.

Member of the Tyrannosauridae family, or "tyrant lizards", T-Rex shared characteristics such as tiny arms compared to the body, two finngers on their hands and a predatory instinct with its equally frightening cousins such as Albertosaurus, Tarbosaurus and Zuchengtyrannus.

Various fossils of T-Rex were mostly found in North America but some experts argue that T-Rex was actually an invasive specie that crossed from Asia to North America since it shares a lot of similarities with Asian Tyrannosaurus rather than their American cousins. Though it is fair to say that its exact origin is still a center of argument, which is the case for most extinct specie from that era which sparks controversy among scientists.

Skeletons of T-Rex have shown that it possessed very muscular thighs and a powerful tail which counterbalanced its massive head. It is estimated that it was capable to run at a speed of 17 to 40 km/h.

T-Rex also possessed a very powerful jaw that served as its main weapon, considering that its tiny arms were too small to be used for battle or to get food to its mouth.

With the strongest bite force of any animal that ever lived on land and the second strongest bite force among all animals (second to Megalodon), T-Rex had much-needed thick neck muscles to hold and power that massive skull.

Despite being the 3rd largest carnivorous dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus Rex is the descendant of small Tyrannosaurs which were the size of humans and horses, and they possessed advanced brains which helped a massive descendant such as T-Rex become the most dominant apex predaotr of all time and the king of the dinosaurs.