dig.ni.fy Summer 2024 | Page 17

Undoubtably, it was a tribute to people and the environment of trees. But if so, what was it saying? Possibly the limbs were representing the souls of people past, who move across time, standing on the shoulders of their ancestors. Could it be a play upon Plato’s "Allegory of the Cave," outlined in The Republic of Plato, where the individual rises from darkness into light, encountering the ‘Ideal of the Good” through the truth that comes from understanding what

is right and beautiful?

Whether or not that is true, it certainly seems possible that an individual, rising upon the shoulders of his ancestors, would wish to use that experience and knowledge to become enlightened so to create and experience better lives for themselves and their family. A story all too familiar to young parents who wish more for their children no matter their social stature.


Stacked Oak Limbs

in Southfield House

Gathered From Fallen Trees


Charred Ceiling of Hither House with Limb Running the Length of the Room