dig.ni.fy Summer 2024 | Page 16

Southfield House

The next house we visited was Southfield House. Unlike Hanging Stone House which was set under a huge tree, Southfield house sat in an open area above the valley where trees around it set the stage but still allowed the house itself to bathe in light. Again, it was a nondescript stone house until we unlocked the door.

Entering the house, we were suddenly in a

circular round some ten or more feet high built

from oak limbs intertwined and stacked one

upon the other. The woven wood armature culminated in an opening to the sky, revealing circle of light.

Again, questions started: where did Goldsworthy get these limbs, how did he know to arrange their curves in such a way as to present the visual framework but still support the structure? And why a half dome reaching to the light?