Digital Style Guide UNSW Digital Style Guide | Page 2

Contents Introduction3 Heart Hand Mind 3 Digital Style Guide 4 Layout5 Above the fold 6 Graphic device 7 Styles8 Colour9 Colour compliance 10 Typography11 Icons13 Shapes and patterns 14 Creative use of shapes 15 Imagery16 UNSW Digital Style Guide Components17 Header - Mobile 18 Navigation - Desktop 19 Navigation - Mobile 20 Buttons21 Buttons - Hover 22 Buttons - Padding 23 Buttons24 Input26 Lists27 Accordion28 Alerts, notifications and confirmations 30 Cards31 Layout32 Mobile first 33 Designing for dark mode 34 Building customised EDMs Using content blocks 36 Headers39 Example headers 40 Logo41 Content blocks Example content blocks Text blocks Content blocks Icon blocks Number blocks Event details 42 43 44 47 48 49 50 Back to contents | 2