Digital Marketing Matters Digital Marketing Matters - Summary Report | Page 25


As part of our assessment - we took a “ deep dive ” into the data to understand what the top 10 % of businesses ( those scoring highest across the website and social media audits ) do well . Businesses that use Facebook well build customer engagement and loyalty through a variety of strategies including :
• Unique and engaging video content
• Invite audience participation - encouraging fans / customers to comment , share and like
• Invite customers to upload their own image and video content ( usergenerated content )
• Promote regular customer surveys , offline events and competitions with chance to win prizes or rewards .
• Engage authentically with customers / fans - with management staff offering personal comments ( where relevant ) and responses to any customer complaints as / when they arise .
Businesses that engage well with their fans / audience on Facebook post multiple times throughout a week , and typically post at least once per day .
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