Digital Marketing Matters Digital Marketing Matters - Summary Report | Page 17


6 . How many business websites use video content ?
Businesses that use video content on their websites are found more frequently via higher search engine rank , are more often shared through social media channels and more able to capture consumer interest - share of mind and wallet .
Here ’ s what Google ’ s own research has revealed :
“ Video plays a big role in the dreaming stage . In any given month , over 100 million of YouTube ’ s unique visitors are travellers . Sixty-four percent of people who watch travel-related videos do so when thinking about taking a trip . And three in five travellers who watch online video use it to narrow down their brand , destination , or activity choices ... travellers are watching more video on their smartphones and when it comes to what kinds of videos travellers are watching , 65 % of travellers search for videos online by destination .” ( think with Google , 2016 )
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