Digital Magazine Walk through Science Digital Magazine 1st issue WtS | Page 9

Page 9 Also, Mr.Kostet allowed us to visit a small plant with bourbon vanilla, where different types of vanilla are grown. Bourbon vanilla is a part of the cultural heritage of Reunion Island and it is called Bourbon vanilla after the former name of Reunion - Île Bourbon. By Ankica Stevanoska Jancheska- Macedonian team Discover lagoon and coral reef and its animals The 14 th of February 2019 was the day for discovering the lagoon of Reunion Island. In the morning we visited the beautiful peaceful coral beach I’Ermitage a Saint-Gilles surrounded by pine tree forest. We had a chance to swim in warm blue shallow water of the Indian Ocean and sunbathe a bit on soft sand of the beach scattered with small rocks and broken pieces of coral following a recent storm. The main attraction of the day – as a part of the programme – was snorkeling to discover coral reef. We admired the great underwater scen- ery with the diversity of colorful fish and corals. The French students helped the foreign teachers while snorkeling and gave them a lot of explanations about the lagoon. We learned a lot about this amazing environment.