Digital Magazine Walk through Science Digital Magazine 1st issue WtS | Page 8

Page 8 Visit to Plant Protection Platform and a small bourbon vanilla plant 13.02.2019 It was a great honor and pleasure for our team of 5 professors and 3 students to visit the Plant Protection platform - The IBiSA - labelled 3P Centre, which is located in Saint-Pierre on the RĂ©union Island. Our team was kindly welcomed by Mr. Costet, which allowed us to visit the laboratories and he explained to us the overall work of this platform. This platform is specializes in plant research and experimentation, bringing together several partners in a facility with cutting-edge equipment. The centre also supports the Biodiversity and Plant Health Scheme research and is dedicated to the exchange of information We visited the three main laboratories of this Center for Plant Protection. 1.Laboratory of Pathology and Molecular Genetics - where are a microbiology room with secure management of microorganism collections, a molecular biology room, an in vitro culture room (CIV) and chambers of culture. 2.Plant Health Laboratory - this laboratory is shared by the Department of Pest Management (FDGDON) and the National Food Safety Authority for tropical pests and diseases environment and work (ANSES), and in it are diagnosed plant diseases and pests. 3. Laboratory of Terrestrial Ecology and Inte- grated Pest Management - where are an arthropod collection room, a macroscopic photo / video and EPG room, six arthropod breeding rooms and a analysis room for seed. Walk through Science DIGITAL MAGAZINE