Digital Magazine Walk through Science Digital Magazine 1st issue WtS | Page 7

Page 7 The second lessons that we visited was Mathematics lessons at Mr Dodat Norman, where by an example of everyday life, i.e through the form of a spaceship, the task of calculating the volume of geometric forms was solved. Didactical material in math’s lesson We also visited the lesson for biology of Mrs Fortaine, where in interesting way through the presentation, didactical materials and practical examples, the students learned for chromosomes and phases of cell division. Considering that the cabinet for biology is quite equipped with visual equipment- microscopes, skeleton, etc. , it can be concluded that every lesson for students is very interesting. In this beautiful and well equipped school everything that is needed for learning is provided for the students. Especially the kindness and hospitality of all employees and students in this school, enriched our visit with unforgettable moments. By Ankica Stevanoska Jancheska- Macedonian team