Digital Logics DLD Research Article | Page 5

VLSI Design
4.2 of sequential
. Synthesis circuits Model . is Our shown model in Figure for the
5 reversible . First the synthesis modified present state , in the Modified Next State Logic
section . The next state is generated using ( 2 ) in
the Next State Logic section . The generated next
state is loaded to the state output as the present
state at the falling-edge of the clock in the
Falling-Edge Trigger section . The asynchronous
reset or load is carried out in the Asynchronous
Load section . The feedback of the present state
is generated in the Feedback section and the
present state is fed back to the Modified Next
State Logic section . Finally , in the Output Logic
section , the output is generated asa function of
the input and the present state . The following
examples explain the use of this model .
5 . Design Examples
In this section , we use three examples to illustrate the design model discussed in Section 4.2 .
5.1 . Example 1 : Sequential Circuit from F igure 4 ( b ). The truth
+ +
circuit in Figure 4 ( b ) is shown in Table 1 . The modified next states and the output are minimized as ESOP expressions as follows : table representing the next states ( Q1 Q0 ), the modified
next states ( Q1 Q0 ), and the output ( z ) of the sequential
∗ ∗
( Q1 Q0 ) ( z )
Q1 ∗ = Q0 ⊕ xQ1Q0 , ( 4 )
Q0 ∗ = 1 ⊕ xQ1 ⊕ Q1Q0 , ( 5 ) z = Q0 ⊕ x . ( 6 )