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The Marlon Holden Fine Art gallery , featuring stunning nature photography by Marlon Holden , has moved a few doors down to 360 S . Coast Highway and planned to reopen in mid-July . Holden , the son of the late , world-renowned artist Ruth Mayer and acclaimed musician Randy Holden , often found solace in artistic expression while on a sailing trip around the world as a child with his parents and , later , as a master merchant mariner . Now , he shares the healing powers of Mother Nature in shots he captures from Iceland to Bora Bora . ( 949-715-3345 ; marlonholden . com )
Taylor O ’ Sullivan , another Laguna Beach photographer , recently opened Culterra gallery , which houses a unique collection of natureinspired framed prints capturing moments from O ’ Sullivan ’ s travels across more than 60 countries . The new fine art photography destination launched as a pop-up gallery at Folklore Studios , which was open from June through late July , and as an e-commerce art platform , which continues to sell her photos . ( culterra . art )
Also in town , Picnic Stationery & Goods , which opened in recent months at 1259 S . Coast Highway , is your one-stop shop for all things adorable . From whimsical greeting cards , gift wrap and art supplies to charming table arrangements and children ’ s books and games , Picnic has plenty of options for that elusive present you ’ ve been meaning to pick up or perhaps just a little treat for yourself . ( 949-772-4965 ; picniclaguna . com ) — C . B .
Top and above : Picnic Stationery & Goods
Jaclyn Westlake at her book event


Rosie Benson , a beleaguered 20-something trying to figure out her complicated life , turns to the advice of her beloved , late great-aunt Dotty , an individualistic globe-trotting , martini-drinking , occasional nudist , who shunned society ’ s ideals to do her own thing . Rosie begins to uncover life lessons in a series of her aunt ’ s emails that help her navigate through trials and tribulations . That ’ s the plot of a new novel , “ Dear Dotty ,” by local author Jaclyn Westlake , who likes writing about funny , flawed women trying to find their way in the world . The book ’ s release was celebrated in a June event at Laguna Beach Books . Westlake , who is an alumna of the Stanford Continuing Studies novel writing program , is a career advice columnist whose work has been featured in Forbes , Business Insider and Inc . She lives in Laguna Beach with her husband and their dachshund mix , Indiana Jones , aka Indy . “ Dear Dotty ” is available locally at Laguna Beach Books . ( jaclynwestlake . com ) — C . B .

Rivian at The Ranch

The Ranch at Laguna Beach has announced Rivian Automotive as its house vehicle partner . The occasion marks the first official California hotel partner for Rivian since the company ’ s inception in 2009 . Both the eco-friendly R1S and R1T vehicles will be available for resort guests to book and will be utilized as a shuttle for local adventures . The Rivian house vehicles will also be wrapped in artwork by Laguna Beach-based , world-class artist Troy Lee , founder of action sports apparel company Troy Lee Designs . As a founding member of the Beyond Green group of eco-friendly hotels and boasting Laguna ’ s first eatery — Harvest — in Surfrider Foundation ’ s Ocean Friendly Restaurants program , the resort ’ s Rivian partnership is just one its sustainable tourism efforts . ( 949-499- 2271 ; theranchlb . com ) — C . B . Rivian is the vehicle partner of The Ranch at Laguna Beach .