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of the Laguna Beach Garden Club — especially in light of National Pollinator Week from June 17-23 . But possibly most important of all is creating a garden of your own , filled with pollen and nectar that encourages butterflies , bees , hummingbirds and other pollinators to stop and stay a while before moving on to spread their wings .
CRUCIAL CREATURES Many species that often aren ’ t regarded as pollinators still practice the techniques that keep local plant life blooming . In addition to birds and butterflies , some moths and bats pollinate by moonlight ; there are also 1,600 species of native bees in California alone — beyond the frequently recognized , non-native honeybee .
“ Honeybees came from Europe in the 1600s and they ’ re more generalist ; they ’ ll go to anything ,” says Jane Leary , president of the Laguna Beach Garden Club . “ But the native bees are actually highly specialized , and many of them have evolved to pollinate specific native plants . … They ’ re important because , without them , there are certain plants — fruits , vegetables , whatever — that would not have a pollinator .”
One such species , Crotch ’ s bumblebee , is near endemic to California alone and helps pollinate milkweed , which is crucial to the survival of the monarch butterflies that Ford ’ s group aims to protect . However , these bees , just like the monarchs , are also endangered . “ They ’ re really dwindling , and that ’ s because of pesticides and not having the habitat that they need ,” she explains .
Another interesting thing about milkweed , Ford says , is that its sap is poisonous , which is part of the reason that monarch caterpillars have adapted to use it as a food source . “ When the caterpillars eat the milkweed , it ’ s a deterrent to predators because , if they ingest … [ the caterpillars ], it will make them sick ,” Ford notes .
The plants in your garden may serve as food sources , but that isn ’ t their only purpose . They are often used as nest-building materials or to find mates ; in addition , they provide shelter to the pollinators who frequent their leaves and flowers . “ We found , [ with milkweed ,] it really helps to plant native grasses for caterpillars to hide in and for them to get shelter from the elements and from the sunlight ,” Ford adds . “ The sun can kill them when they ’ re tiny . And this helps protect them also , from parasitic flies which predate on them .”
Keeping these creatures safe helps ensure a healthy food chain and better environment all
Opposite page : pollinatorfriendly plants outside of the Laguna Beach Library ; this page , clockwise from top : a butterfly chrysalis ; the library ’ s fairy garden ; a western honey bee on an Echium candicans , or Pride of Madeira , plant ; the library ’ s butterfly garden ; a monarch butterfly