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Local outdoor enthusiasts reveal why pollinators are so important and how you can create your own garden to help them thrive .
It ’ s hard to think of a place more beautiful than a vibrant garden on a sunny spring day . Brilliant flowers — both native and non — add a pop of color to the space while verdant greenery serves as a playground for tiny creatures that are almost too small to see . You can hear the faint buzz of the bees and the high-pitched whistle calls of the hummingbirds while patterned butterflies float along , riding the breeze . Everything here is brimming with life , which , in turn , makes visitors feel more alive themselves .
It has already been proven that being in nature helps with mental health and overall well-being , with a study by the American Psychological Association linking the great outdoors to healthy cognitive development , increased happiness , fewer chronic health issues and more . But the importance of pollinators goes beyond the beauty of nature , with more than 75 % of staple food crops relying on the process of pollination , according to the U . S . Department of Agriculture .
“[ The bees ] are responsible for pollinating not only certain food crops , but also for pollinating all the wildflowers and the wild lands , … keeping all the species that are native to California alive ,” says Laura Ford , founder of the local Pollinator Protection Fund nonprofit . “ And so , we really need pollinators to essentially keep all of our ecosystems thriving … [ with ] great biodiversity . … They ’ re absolutely paramount for the future and for our survival on this planet .” There are many things you can do to help pollinators thrive , from building small “ houses ” for native bees to connecting with other like-minded individuals as a member