Global Education &
European Teaching Strategies
They consider that every subject has underlying abilities that should be
developed. Take the example of mathematics. Students should progress in order
Formulate and solve problems using mathematics and also assess selected
strategies and methods.
Use and analyse mathematical concepts and their interrelationship.
Chose and use appropriate mathematical methods to perform
calculations and solve routine tasks.
Apply and follow mathematical reasoning
Use mathematical forms of expressions to discuss, reason and account for
questions, calculations and conclusions
When their students are in grade 8, they take part in the practical occupation
orientation programme for two weeks during the spring term. After the two weeks,
they prepare an exhibition for the students in grade 7.
As for extra adaptation and special support, teachers adapt instruction to
include students as much as possible. However, there is a tendency to split
students according to their level. Special education teachers work along subject
matter teachers or with flexible groups.