Digital Continent Digital Continent Easter 2017 | Page 66

Bibliography Anselem of Caterbury, The Theistic Proofs. Faith Seeking Understanding: The character and purpose of Anselm’s theistic proofs. Accessed June 7, 2016. Aquinas, Thomas. The Summa Theologica. Vol III. NY: Benziger Bros., 1948. Ashley, Benedict. O.P. Thomas Aquinas: The Gifts of the Spirit. 2 nd Ed. NY: New City Press, 1996. Barber, Malcolm. The Cathars: Dualist Heretics in Lanquedoc in the High Middle Ages. UK: Pearson Education Limited, 2000. Bernard of Clairvaux. Commentary on the Song of Songs, Sermon VIII. Etext arranged by Darrell Wright, 2008. eSongOfSongsall.wps.pdf. Accessed, February 5, 2016. Benedict XVI, Pope. The Apostles. IN: Our Sunday Visitor, Inc. 2008. Breck, John. Spirit of Truth. New York: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1991. Catechism of the Catholic Church. Second Edition. Washington, DC: United States Catholic Conference, 1994. Clayton, Joseph. Pope Innocent III and His Times. WI: The Bruce Publishing Company, 1941. Congar, Yves. I Believe in the Holy Spirit. Vols. I - III. NY: Seabury Press, 1979. Costen, Michael. The Cathars and the Albigensian Crusade. NY: Manchester University Press, 1997. Dante, The Divine Comedy, Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. NY: Barnes and Noble, 2008. Dorcy, Mary Jean, O.P. Saint Dominic. NC: Tan Books, 1987. Evans, John. The Statutes of the Fourth General Council of Lateran: Recognized and Established by Subsequent Councils and Synods, Down to the Council of Trent. London: L. and G. Seeley, 1938. Fourth Lateran Council:1215.