Digital Continent Digital Continent Easter 2017 | Page 42

make, was achieved…by Christ, the God-man.” 108 God is revealed through His Son. Faith in God moves man to seek Him who is revealed through faith, “in revealing the mystery of the Father and his love fully reveals man to himself and makes clear his supreme calling, which is to share in the divine mystery of the life of the Trinity” (FR, n.13). To deny the humanity and divinity of the Son is to deny the Father. The Church teaches God’s people that they can reason that “revelation remains charged with mystery…Jesus, with his entire life, revealed the countenance of the Father, for he came to teach the secret things of God. But our vision of the face of God is always fragmentary and impaired by the limits of our understanding. Faith alone makes it possible to penetrate the mystery in a way that allows us to understand it coherently” (FR, n.13). 108 Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, What it Means to be a Christian, trans. Henry Taylor, (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2006), 32.