Digital Continent Digital Continent Easter 2017 | Page 18

Dominic de Guzman The Albigensian heresy was pervasive throughout the south of France when Dominic De Guzman went on a journey as written by Dante... Therein was born the amorous paramour of Christian Faith, the athlete consecrate, kind to his own and cruel to his foes…Dominic was he called; and him I speak of even as of the husbandman whom Christ elected to his garden to assist him…Not for the world which people toil for now in following Ostiense and Taddeo, but through his longing after the true manna, he in short time became so great a teacher, that he began to go about the vineyard, which fadeth soon, if faithless be the dresser…He asked for, but against the errant world permission to do battle for the seed, of which these for and twenty plants surround thee…and in among the shoots heretical his impetus with greater fury smote, wherever the resistance was the greatest. Of him were made thereafter divers runnels, whereby the garden catholic is watered, so that more living its plantations stand… 30 30 Dante, The Divine Comedy, trans. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, (NY: Barnes & Noble, 2008), 559.