Digital Continent Digital Continent Easter 2017 | Page 17

the Lord’s prayer of which only the perfected were allowed to know and say. Following the Lord’s prayer, the bread would be distributed to the believers. 28 The Cathars used the bible, interpreting the words to meet their religious beliefs, for example, “the bad god created the world and all material things, including man’s body.” The biblical proof for this argument was said to be found in Genesis 3:22, “it is said: ‘Adam has become like one of us.’” The Albigensians surmised that since this was said following Adam’s fall due to sin, that the person speaking, “Adam has become like one of us” meant that he was not like God, since God was without sin, but like the devil who was sin and therefore it is the devil who is “the creator of the world and all material things, including man’s body.” 29 28 29 Albert Shannon, OP, The Medieval Inquisition, (MN: Liturgical Press, 1984), 11. Albert Shannon, OSA, The Medieval Inquisition, (MN: Liturgical Press, 1984), 13.